In different situations the shooting stick shows its practical use. For example when stalking or when you have to leave the high seat to get closer to the grazing game. In the mountains, in field districts or abroad there are situations in which you have to shoot at a distance - and need some support to do so. Aiming sticks and shooting sticks, as you will find in our wide selection, are excellent aids for improved marksmanship and hunting success.
Deerstalking stick yes, but which one can it be?
Although the handling of shooting sticks, especially with three- or four-legged models, should be practiced before the actual employment on the hunt, they are immensely practical. The rifle is placed in the V-shaped support fork. There, the rifle lies securely and quietly, so that a calm descent and a precise shot are possible. Especially rubberized and similar pads ensure a secure hold of the rifle on the shooting stick. On long distances in the mountains or on safari this is a real advantage, because not only the marksmanship is enormously increased, but the animal can also be hunted in the right way. For many hunters this is a matter of honour.
One-, two-, three- or four-legged riflesticks - everyone can decide at his own discretion. Basically, the three-legged and four-legged shooting sticks are characterized by more stability. Depending on the model, the hunting rifle rests on two points, which brings considerably more calmness and precision into the shot compared to a one-point rifle stick. However, with a one-point support you are more flexible if the game has to be pursued.
Modern shooting sticks are equipped with telescopic legs that can be varied steplessly and noiselessly. This offers the great advantage of having a safe rifle rest even in changing situations during the hunt - standing while stalking, squatting or sitting on the treestand. Basically, most rifle sticks are characterized by easy handling, ergonomic controls and, at best, low weight. However, this varies depending on the model.
Questions about the shooting stick? We are happy to help!
We offer you different models from manufacturers like Reineke, Birkenast or Knobloch. Whether you decide for a monopod or tripod, a lighter or more flexible model, is entirely up to you. You are welcome to use our telephone advice. Under +49-6071-922765 we answer all questions to the shooting sticks gladly and support with the selection.