Observe nature and game from far away, go birdwatching: This can be achieved with a high-quality spotting scope from Swarovski Optik or Leica, for example. This gives you a helpful companion at your side that offers a higher magnification than binoculars, but is not as bulky as a telescope if you also want to devote yourself to astronomy.
Spotting scopes are the ideal mixture of both. And just the right accessory for hunters, marksmen, ornithologists and nature lovers who want to keep a close eye on their distant surroundings (earth observation).
Spotting scopes for every situation at Titanium-Gunworks.de
Titanium-Gunworks.de offers you powerful spotting scopes from renowned manufacturers, between which you can choose depending on the desired functions, requirements for the nature experience and price. The big advantage with Titanium-Gunworks.de: Our assortment includes numerous accessories, so that you can complement your spotting scope individually and raise your personal experience while spotting or hunting to a new level.
Up to 70x magnifications are possible with high quality spotting scopes and are completely sufficient for earth observation. Higher magnifications would only make a flicker appear in the image when the earth has been warmed by the sun's rays.
Alternative spotting scopes: From practical to astronomical
Extending perspectives, on the other hand, are ideal for a quick response during game observation and hunting. Due to their compact design, they can also be stored in a hunting rucksack. Hunters and spotters will definitely get their money's worth.
For those who want to deal with the starry sky, the spotting scope is a good alternative to the low magnification binoculars and the bulky telescope. In contrast to Kepler's design, the spotting scope delivers an upright, i.e. laterally correct image.
Spotting scopes and high-quality accessories for an intensive nature experience
An additional tripod is recommended for longer stays in the mountains or forest. This way you will not only get first-class pictures while birding or observing nature, but also while photographing or making video films - digiscoping. Modern spotting scopes make it possible to connect the photo or video camera via special adapters. Of course, a tripod always ensures a calm image and sharper images without blurring.
The aim of all high-quality spotting scopes from Leica, Swarovski Optik and Co. is to see the smallest details close up, clearly and sharply, even at a great distance. As an aid for upper navigation or ornithology, these highly innovative and functional spotting scopes make it possible to reliably observe the surroundings over a longer period of time. Irrespective of model and functions, an oblique view is always more comfortable than a straight view.
Titanium-Gunworks.de is happy to assist you with its many years of experience and comprehensive expertise when it comes to choosing the right spotting scope or helpful accessories for wildlife and bird watching. Just give us a call - at +49-6071-922765!