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Aimpoint Micro H2 - with original Blaser saddle mount
Aimpoint Micro H2 with original Blaser saddle mount as a package The Micro H2 is the result of feedback from long-time customers who want an even more powerful driven hunt red-dot-sight. Reliability, fast target acquisition and ruggedness are the main features. The red dot can be grasped intuitively and is parallax-free. 12 light levels are available - suitable for daylight. The housing is waterproof, the battery (1x CR2032) can continuously illuminate the red dot sight for up to 50,000 hours (more than 5 years).   Details: Size of the light spot: 2 MOA Parallax-free Battery supply: CR 2032 12 daylight-compatible dimming levels Waterproof length: 68 mm width/height: 41 x 36 mm Weight: 243 g Can be used from -30° to +60°. Package: includes a original Blaser saddle mount   Hint: The front lens of the Aimpoint is intentionally mounted at an angle! This is not a mistake, but serves to deflect light reflexes (so that the target does not become aware of the shooter).

Multiwaffenfähige Titanium-Montage (Montagebrücke)
Multiwaffenfähige Titanium-Montage (Montagebrücke) Mit dieser exklusiven Zielfernrohrmontage kaufen Sie eine äußerst funktionelle als auch vom Design einzigartige Zielfernorhmontage aus Titan oder Luftfahrtaluminium, teilweise schwarz Plasma beschichtet   Selbstverständlich kann diese Montage auch "klassisch" eingesetzt werden mit jeweils einer Optik auf der Waffe (damit erwerben Sie eine extrem zuverlässige , edle und robuste Montage) als auch für den Einsatz einer Optik auf mehreren Waffen, was hier näher beschrieben wird...     Die erste Multiwaffenfähige Zielfernrohrmontage (seit 2005 im Einsatz!)    Die Titanium Gunworks Montagebrücke ist Kern unserer revolutionären Erfindung: Der Multiwaffenfähigen Zielfernrohrmontage. Das heißt, Sie können eine Zieloptik frei und nach Belieben auf verschiedenen Waffen einsetzen. Und das ohne erneutes Einschießen. Das eröffnet ganz neue Möglichkeiten, denn Sie sind nicht mehr festgelegt, welche Waffe mit welcher Optik ausgestattet ist, sondern können dieses beliebig variieren. Zudem läßt sich Geld sparen, denn im Extremfall kommen Sie mit nur einer Zieloptik für alle Ihre Waffen aus...   Wie das funktioniert? Die multiwaffenfähigen Adapter, welche auf der Waffe fest montiert sind, verfügen über Verstellmöglichkeiten in Höhe und Seite. Alle damit ausgestatteten  Waffen werden hierüber eingeschoßen (und nicht über die Absehenverstellung der Zieloptik). Wenn Sie nun die Zieloptik von Waffe A auf Waffe B setzen, dann ergibt sich deren Justage über die Waffenadapter an der jeweiligen Waffe.    Bei der Verwendung einer weiteren Zieloptik wird diese dann über die Absehenverstellung der Zieloptik justiert. Somit ist ein beliebiges Verwenden von verschiedenen Optiken und verschiedenen Waffen aus diesem "Pool" möglich.    Selbstverständlich kann diese auch "klassisch" für nur eine Waffe verwendet werden, indemSie bei den Adaptern die Verstellmölichkeiten einfach nicht nutzen.      Materialien & Ausführungen: Wir sind der erste deutsche Hersteller, der Titan als Werkstoff für Zielfernohrmontagen verwendet. Wir bieten Ihnen natürlich auch Lösungen in den klassischen Werkstoffen Aluminium und Stahl. Im Folgenden ein Überblick über die Materialausführungen und ihre Eigenschaften:   Titanium: Alle Bauteile sind aus Titan, Justageschrauben aus V2A oder Stahl, je nach Anforderung Featherweight: Die Brücke ist aus Luftfahrtaluminium, die Klemmelemente und Schrauben dazu aus Titan, Justageschrauben aus V2A oder Stahl, je nach Anforderung Classic: Alle Bauteile sind aus Stahl, Justageschrauben aus V2A oder Stahl, je nach Anforderung   Designphilosophie: „Vollendung in allen Dingen wird nicht dann erreicht, wenn nichts mehr hinzuzufügen ist, sondern wenn nichts mehr fortgenommen werden kann.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)   Unsere Titanmontagen sind aus dem Vollen gefräßt. Plasmabeschichtet für maximale "Schwärze" ohne Reflektionen. Wir haben bewußt den technisch optimalen Weg und nicht den fertigungsoptimierten genommen. z.B. verwenden wir keine kostengünstige Kunststoff-Inlays für die SR-Verzahnung, sondern fräsen diese aus dem massiven Grundmaterial heraus. Das hat zwar seinen Preis, resultiert aber in einer absolut einmaligen Montage. Edel und kompromisslos!   Bei der Universalbrücke können Ringe aufgesetzt werden (seperat auf Anfrage erhältlich) oder es sind andere Aufbauten (Weverschiene, etc) denkbar.  

From €359.00*
Multiwaffenfähige Titanium-Montage (Basen Waffenseitig)
Titanium Gunworks Multiwaffenfähige Zielfernrohr-Basen aus Titan Die ausführliche Beschreibung zu unseren multiwaffenfähigen Titan-Montagen finden Sie bei den Montagebrücken Hier werden lediglich kurz die Adapter-Basen vorgestellt. Die Adapterbasen verfügen über Support-Verstellmöglichkeiten in Höhe und Seitenverstellung und komplettieren das multiwaffenfähige Zielfernrohrmontagen-System. Die Adapter-Basen sind (soweit nicht anders vermerkt) aus einer hochwertigen Titan-Legierung aus dem Vollen gefräst. Dies garantiert Zuverlässigkeit selbst unter widrigsten Bedingungen. Die Oberfläche ist glaspergestrahlt und entweder so belassen (Natural) oder schwarz Plasma beschichtet (Black Plasma). Schraubelemente sind aus hochwertigem Titan oder Stahl (seitenpassschrauben) Selbstverständlich können die Adpaterbasen auch klassisch (ein Zielfernrohr auf jeder Waffe) ohne Nutzung der Support-Verstellmöglichkeiten benutzt werden und ergeben damit eine absolut hochwertige und einmalige Zielfernrohrmontage aus Titan - dem edelsten Werkstoff unserer Zeit. Bei der Montage kann es teilweise vonnöten sein, daß eine weitere Gewindebohrung auf der Hülsenbrücke der Waffe angebracht werden muß (wegen Platzgründen für die Support-Verstellmöglichkeiten).   Hinweis: Die Montagebasen für die Mauser 96 besteht aus Stahl, Oberfläche brüniert alle anderen Adapterbasen sind aus Titan gefertigt  

From €230.00*
Innogun Quick Release Mount for Blaser - I Ray Saim
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for I Ray Saim This Innoumount quick detachable mount is a specialy designed for I Ray Saim Thermal Image scopes. The quick-release mount is repeatable and features innovative quick-release closures. These work reliably and are easy to operate. When closed, they additionally lie in the housing - thus they are secured against unintentional opening and there are no protruding parts. To open, you have to press the push button on the opposite side and the locking lever can be opened.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Blaser rifles suitable for I Ray Saim (Liemke Sperber 25/35) Height: 16 mm Type number: 550-IRS-16-00-800

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Sauer 303 - I Ray Mini
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Sauer 303 - I Ray Mini This Innogun quick detachable scope mount is specially designed for the Sauer 303 with ISI mount. The ISI-Mount was used at the beginning of the production of the Sauer 303. The current Sauer 303 self-loading rifles have the newer Sauer SUM mount for the Sauer 404, so depending on how old your Sauer 303 self-loading rifle is, you need the "Sauer 303 mount" (or ISI mount) or the "Sauer 404 mount" (or SUM mount). The mounting is suitable for the I Ray Mini and Liemke Merlin 19E/25E Nightvision scope.   Details: Clamping lever with safety device against unintentional opening high accuracy made of steel suitable for Sauer 303 suitable for I Ray Mini (Liemke Merlin 19E/25E) height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRM-16-00-600

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Sauer 303 - I Ray Saim
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Sauer 303 - I Ray Saim This Innogun quick detachable scope mount is specially designed for the Sauer 303 with ISI mount. The ISI-Mount was used at the beginning of the production of the Sauer 303. The current Sauer 303 self-loading rifles have the newer Sauer SUM mount for the Sauer 404, so depending on how old your Sauer 303 self-loading rifle is, you need the "Sauer 303 mount" (or ISI mount) or the "Sauer 404 mount" (or SUM mount). The mounting is suitable for the I Ray Saim and Liemke Sperber 25/35 Nightvision scope.   Details: Clamping lever with safety device against unintentional opening high accuracy made of steel suitable for Sauer 303 suitable for I Ray Saim (Liemke Sperber 25/35) height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRS-16-00-600

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Sauer 404 - I Ray Mini
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Sauer 404 - I Ray Mini This Innoumount quick detachable mount is a specialy designed for I Ray Mini (works also for Liemke Merlin 19E/25E) Night Vision scopes. The quick-release mount is repeatable and features innovative quick-release closures. These work reliably and are easy to operate. When closed, they additionally lie in the housing - thus they are secured against unintentional opening and there are no protruding parts. To open, you have to press the push button on the opposite side and the locking lever can be opened.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Sauer 404 suitable for I Ray Mini (Liemke Merlin 19E/25E) Height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRM-16-00-650

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Sauer 404 - I Ray Saim
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Sauer 404 - I Ray Saim This Innoumount quick detachable mount is a specialy designed for I Ray Saim (works also for Liemke Sperber 25/35) Night Vision scopes. The quick-release mount is repeatable and features innovative quick-release closures. These work reliably and are easy to operate. When closed, they additionally lie in the housing - thus they are secured against unintentional opening and there are no protruding parts. To open, you have to press the push button on the opposite side and the locking lever can be opened.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Sauer 404 suitable for I Ray Saim (Liemke Sperber 25/35) Height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRS-16-00-650

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Tikka T3 - Guide TS450
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Tikka T3 - Guide TS450 Innogun's quick-detachable scope mount is pushed onto the prisms on the rail of the Tikka T3 and fastened reliably and with high accuracy using the quick-clamping fasteners. The mounting is suitable for the Guide TS450 thermal imgae scope.   Details: Clamping lever with safety device against unintentional opening high accuracy made of steel suitable for Tikka T3 suitable for ATN and X-Sight I+II / Thor / Mars height: 17 mm Type number: 50-GT-17-00-400

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Tikka T3 - I Ray Mini
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Tikka T3 - I Ray Mini Innogun's quick-detachable scope mount is pushed onto the prisms on the rail of the Tikka T3 and fastened reliably and with high accuracy using the quick-clamping fasteners. The mounting is suitable for the I Ray Mini, or Liemke Merlin 19E/25E scope.   Details: Clamping lever with safety device against unintentional opening high accuracy made of steel suitable for Tikka T3 suitable for I Ray Mini, or Liemke Merlin 19E/25E height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRM-16-00-400

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Tikka T3 - I Ray Saim
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Tikka T3 - I Ray Saim Innogun's quick-detachable scope mount is pushed onto the prisms on the rail of the Tikka T3 and fastened reliably and with high accuracy using the quick-clamping fasteners. The mounting is suitable for the I Ray Saim, or Liemke Sperber 25/35 scope.   Details: Clamping lever with safety device against unintentional opening high accuracy made of steel suitable for Tikka T3 suitable for I Ray Saim, or Liemke Sperber 25/35 height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRS-16-00-400

Innomount Quick Release Mount for Merkel - I Ray Mini
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Merkel - I Ray Mini The Innogun quick detachable mount is specially adapted to the mounting bases of Merkel hunting rifles (e.g. B3/B4/KR1/K3/K5) and offers innovative, reliable and repeatable riflescope mounting at a high quality level. This Innomount quick-detachable mount is a special scope mount for the thermal image scope I Ray Mini and fits also the Liemke Merlin 19E/25E.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Merkel suitable for I Ray Mini and Liemke Merlin 19E/25E Height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRM-16-00-900

Innomount Quick Release Mount for Merkel - I Ray Saim
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Merkel - I Ray Saim The Innogun quick detachable mount is specially adapted to the mounting bases of Merkel hunting rifles (e.g. B3/B4/KR1/K3/K5) and offers innovative, reliable and repeatable riflescope mounting at a high quality level. This Innomount quick-detachable mount is a special scope mount for the thermal image scope I Ray Saim and fits also the Liemke Sperber 25/35.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Merkel suitable for I Ray Saim and Liemke Sperber 25/35 Height: 16 mm Type number: 50-IRS-16-00-900

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Blaser - HIKMicro Thunder TH 35
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for HIKMicro Thunder TH 35 This Innoumount quick detachable mount is a specialy designed for HIKMicro Thunder TH 35 Thermal Image scopes. The quick-release mount is repeatable and features innovative quick-release closures. These work reliably and are easy to operate. When closed, they additionally lie in the housing - thus they are secured against unintentional opening and there are no protruding parts. To open, you have to press the push button on the opposite side and the locking lever can be opened.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Blaser rifles suitable for HIKMicro Thunder TH 35 Height: 18 mm Type number: 50-HMT-18-00-800

Innogun Quick Release Mount for Weaver/Picatinny - HIKMicro Thunder TH 35
Innomount quick detachable scope mount for Weaver/Picatinny and HIKMicro Thunder TH 35 This Innoumount quick detachable mount is a specialy designed for HIKMicro Thunder TH 35 Thermal Image scopes. The quick-release mount is repeatable and features innovative quick-release closures. These work reliably and are easy to operate. When closed, they additionally lie in the housing - thus they are secured against unintentional opening and there are no protruding parts. To open, you have to press the push button on the opposite side and the locking lever can be opened.   Details: Clamping lever with protection against unintentional opening repeatable made of steel suitable for Weaver/Picatinny suitable for HIKMicro Thunder TH 35 Height: 18 mm Type number: 50-HMT-18-00-200

Innomount Zero - Blaser - Swarovski
Innomount Zero for Blaser - Swarovski SR rail The Innomount Zero quick release mount for Blaser hunting rifles is a solid connection between rifle and optics. With the new Zero locking mechanism, you screw the mount onto the rifle and then press the lever to mount - this decouples it and prevents it from operating the bolt mechanism. To release the mount again, pull the lever towards you, this couples it in the breech mechanism and now the breech can be released again. A very reliable and safe method. Innomount attaches great importance to the highest manufacturing quality. The mount is not only an inexpensive alternative to the original Blaser saddle mount, but it also features innovative detail solutions. By the uniform admission of all newer Blaser hunting rifles fits this mounting of course on all Blaser weapons such as the R8, R93, K95, D99, BF97 or the triplet BD14. The use of 3 sliding blocks in combination with the innovative Swarovski SR rail for mounting the scope ensures a reliable hold of the optics on the scope mount. Even when using high recoil big game rifles, as the Swarovski SR rail transfers the recoil forces positively between the scope and the mount due to its approx. 2mm serrations on the underside.   Details: "Zero" locking mechanism highly accurate suitable for Blaser suitable for Swarovski SR rail height: 10 mm type number: 40-SR-10-00-800

Innomount Zero - Blaser - Zeiss
Innomount Zero for Blaser - Zeiss The Innomount Zero quick release mount for Blaser hunting rifles is a solid connection between rifle and optics. With the new Zero locking mechanism, you screw the mount onto the rifle and then press the lever to mount - this decouples it and prevents it from operating the bolt mechanism. To release the mount again, pull the lever towards you, this couples it in the breech mechanism and now the breech can be released again. A very reliable and safe method. Innomount attaches great importance to the highest manufacturing quality. The mount is not only an inexpensive alternative to the original Blaser saddle mount, but it also features innovative detail solutions. By the uniform admission of all newer Blaser hunting rifles fits this mounting of course on all Blaser weapons such as the R8, R93, K95, D99, BF97 or the triplet BD14. Details: "Zero" locking mechanism highly accurate suitable for Blaser suitable for Zeiss rail height: 9 mm type number: 40-VM-09-00-800

Innomount Zero - Blaser - Ring Mount
Innomount Zero scope mount for Blaser - Ring Mount The Innomount Zero quick release mount for Blaser hunting rifles is a solid connection between the rifle and the optics. With the new Zero breech system, you screw the mount onto the rifle and then press the lever to the mount - this decouples it and prevents it from operating the breech mechanism. To release the mount again, pull the lever towards you, this couples it in the breech mechanism and now the breech can be released again. A very reliable and safe method. Due to the uniform mounting of all newer Blaser hunting rifles, this mount naturally fits all Blaser rifles such as the R8, R93, K95, D99, BF97 or the Drilling BD14. Height: Rings (standard) in 26 / 30 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 40 mm: Overall height = 14 mm Rings BH+3 in 26 / 30 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 40 mm: Overall height = 17 mm Rings BH+6 in 26 / 30 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 40 mm: Overall height = 20 mm Details: "Zero" locking mechanism repeatable suitable for Blaser rifles suitable for mounting with rings of different diameters 20 MOA edition available for long range shooters Overall height: 14 / 17 or 20 mm  

From €359.00*
Innomount Zero - Weaver/Picatinny - Ring Mount
Innomount ZERO - quick detachable scope mount for Weaver/Picatiny - Ring Mount With the new Zero breech system, you screw the mount onto the gun and then press the lever to the mount - this uncouples it and it can no longer operate the breech mechanism. To release the mount again, pull the lever towards you, this couples it in the breech mechanism and now the breech can be released again. A very reliable and safe method. The Innomount quick detachable scope mount offers a classic rifle scope assembly using rings. Rings of 26, 30, 34, 35, 36 or 40mm diameter are available. In addition, there are 3 different heights for each diameter. The "base" remains the same, the rings are offered in different heights and are securely bolted to the base using a pivot pin. Fits on a Weaver/Picatinny rail. Height: Rings (standard) in 26 / 30 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 40 mm: Overall height = 14 mm Rings BH+3 in 26 / 30 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 40 mm: Overall height = 17 mm Rings BH+6 in 26 / 30 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 40 mm: Overall height = 20 mm Details: Zero locking mechanism repeatable suitable for Weaver/Picatinny suitable for mounting with rings of different diameters Overall height: 14 / 17 or 20 mm  

From €359.00*
Innomount Zero - Blaser - Pulsar Talion
Innomount Zero for Blaser - Pulsar Talion The Innomount Zero quick release mount for Blaser hunting rifles is a solid connection between Your rifle and the Pulsar Talion thermal image scope. With the new Zero locking mechanism, you screw the mount onto the rifle and then press the lever to mount - this decouples it and prevents it from operating the bolt mechanism. To release the mount again, pull the lever towards you, this couples it in the breech mechanism and now the breech can be released again. A very reliable and safe method.   Details: "Zero" locking mechanism highly accurate suitable for Blaser suitable for Pulsar Talion height: 16 mm type number: 40-TN-16-00-800

Innomount Zero - Weaver/Picatinny - Tube/Thermal 30mm
Innomount Zero - Weaver/Picatinny - Tube/Thermal 30mm With the new Zero  mounting system, you screw the mount onto the gun and then press the lever to the mount - this uncouples it and it can no longer operate the breech mechanism. To release the mount again, pull the lever towards you, this couples it in the breech mechanism and now the mount can be released again. A very reliable and safe method.Suitable for:Pulsar Thermion I+II/Pro/LRF / Duo DXP50/DXP55Infiray Tube TL35/TH35/TH35SE/50/TS60 Hikmicro Stellar SH35/50 | SQ35/50Lahoux Sight 35Night Pearl Marten TU 420/430/450/650Guide TU 420/430/450/620/630/650Thermtec Ares 335/360/635/660Conotech Night Arrow   Details: Zero locking mechanism repeatable suitable for Weaver/Picatinny suitable for mounting with Nightvision and Thermal devices with 30 mm rings height: 24 mm height of rings alone: 9mm 40-TH-24-00-200  

Innomount Zero - Weaver/Picatinny - Swarovski BH 20
Innomount ZERO for Weaver / Picatinny - Swarovski SR-Rail, height 20 mm With the Zero quick-release fastener and an overall height of 20 mm, you can mount the scope particularly high with this Innoumount quick-release mount - suitable for night vision and thermal imaging attachments. Details: Zero Fast Detachable Locking Mechanism repeatable suitable for Weaver / Picatinny rail suitable for Swarovski rifle scope with SR Rail Overall height: 20 mm Type number: 40-SR-20-00-200

From €359.00*
Innomount Zero - Weaver/Picatinny - Zeiss BH 20
Innomount ZERO for Weaver / Picatinny - Zeiss-Rail, height 20 mm With the Zero quick-release fastener and an overall height of 20 mm, you can mount the scope particularly high with this Innoumount quick-release mount - suitable for night vision and thermal imaging attachments. Details: Zero Fast Detachable Locking Mechanism repeatable suitable for Weaver / Picatinny rail suitable for rifle scope with Zeiss Rail Overall height: 20 mm Type number: 40-VM-20-00-200

From €359.00*
Innomount Zero - Blaser - Zeiss BH 14
Innomount Zero - Blaser - Zeiss with 14 mm height The Innomount Zero mount for Blaser hunting rifles is a solid connection between rifle and optics. Innomount attaches great importance to the highest manufacturing quality.  The quick-release assembly is repeatable and features innovative quick-release fasteners. This special version with an overall height of 14 mm is ideal for the use of special optics. The mounting is suitable for Zeiss rifle scopes with inner rail as well as for many other renowned manufacturers who also use the Zeiss inner rail: Leica, Meopta, etc.   Details: ZERO-locking mechanism repeatable suitable for Blaser suitable for Zeiss VM/ZM inner rail Overall height: 14 mm Type Number: 40-VM-14-00-800


For a successful shot, different factors have to work together perfectly - among other things, the rifle scope assembly is decisive. It has to fit the rifle as well as the mounted sight - and at the same time it has to sit 100% reliably on the rifle to ensure a good target position. Only with the right scope mount can a shot be fired correctly. Here you will find mounting solutions from Recknagel, HMS and many other well-known manufacturers.

The right riflescope mount for the right shot

If the target optic is not fixed absolutely stable on the weapon, a precise shot is not possible. The forces acting during firing would lead to a displacement of the point of impact, so that the target object is missed or not hit correctly. A rifle scope mount therefore has a single purpose: To hold the rifle scope firmly on the hunting rifle and still be able to remove it from the rifle if necessary and to be repeatable when assembled again.

For this purpose, a scope mount should have the following characteristics: high recoil resistance, no changes to temperature and weather fluctuations, suitability for the rifle, and the target optics. In principle, the hunting rifle should also function perfectly when mounted with a rifle scope. This applies, among other things, the repeating of the bolt action and ejecting the cartridge.


Versatile range of ZFR mounts

Meanwhile, the market offers a variety of rifle scope mounts - from saddle mount to swivel mount, for Weaver or Picatinny rail - and almost every hunting rifle manufacturer has its own line. In practice, this not only means a large selection to satisfy individual requirements. It also means that some manufacturers supply their hunting rifles directly with an integrated mounting solution - such as saddle mounting at Blaser.

When choosing a scope mount independently, it is important to pay attention to the accuracy of fit: Is the overall height suitable for the target optics? Can clamping rings and rifle scope be securely connected? Can the rifle scope be removed quickly - for example for transporting the hunting rifle? Steel and aluminium have proven their worth when it comes to materials. They are robust and reliable. Titanium Gunworks offers special products in this area, such as titanium mounts. Our titanium mounts are milled from the solid and plasma-coated - for maximum "blackness" without reflections and from a material that dreams are made of: Titanium!

Our assortment for rifle scope mounts

In our Onlineshop you find different scope mounts and corresponding accessories. Due to many years of own hunting experience we trust in the products of well-known manufacturers like Recknagel, Henneberger (HMS) and Innogun, which are suitable again for different models of Blaser and Sauer.

Whether tilt-up mounting, "Suhler Einhak-Montage" or another solution: We will be happy to advise you personally on the product selection. You can reach us at +49-6071-92276. We will be happy to answer all your questions about our scope mounts.